more important than furniture

Recently, I read some words (literally, just six words) from Keith Thompson, veteran foster parent, that sounded very familiar. Here's what he said:

"Children are more important than furniture."

I know this is not some huge, earth shattering truth. It's something that should have been pretty obvious to me already. But I'm sinful, and I'm fallen. And I admit it... We worked hard for our stuff and I like to take care of my stuff. And I want my stuff treated with respect and care.

If there is one area where I struggled with my new life as a global houseparent to twentysomethings -- this is it. I try not to care about my stuff -- my furniture, my house, my car, my things ... but my wicked little heart wants to fight for all of it.

Sure, I can lie to myself and slap a pretty Christian title on this love-of-stuff. Sometimes I call it "good stewardship." You know -- we take care of our stuff because God gave us our stuff and He wants us to be good stewards of the things He entrusts to us. And there is some good, biblical truth to this idea of stewardship... but stewardship should never come at all costs. It definitely shouldn't come at the cost of another's heart or spirit. Because children (Birthed, Adopted, Grandchildren, African, African-American, Ethiopian) are more important than things. Period.

I should back up and explain that before we became Houseparents, people told us to beware of all this. They told us to batten down the hatches in our home. To prepare for every thing in our house to be broken, cracked, stolen or destroyed. We have always responded, we understand, IT ALL belongs to our GOD. I do believe this and try each day to walk through showing and sharing everything in our home, but sometimes it gets the best of me.

We know that God has called us to share life daily and build relationships with those who were not raised with the blessings that I was afforded. But I have to say.........They weren't just kidding.

Logically, it makes perfect sense -- I mean why would a child/person who has never purchased or owned any personal possessions know how to care for things? Why would a child/person who is accustomed to living in day-to-day survival mode for food and other necessities suddenly grasp this crazy western concept of stewardship?

Over the last two years---I'll give you a glimpse. Knobs have been literally ripped off the cabinets, A fist has cracked and destroyed the soap pump on the cast iron sink. A whack to the wall has sent a glass gift from Rome sailing into pieces. A daisy yellow -cutesy fabric rocker now adorns black food stained arms. Ants now march through our bedrooms and mice hide under our refrigerator. Our washing machine has not stopped running like the energizer bunny. Four tires have been flat spotted and one car's undercarriage destroyed. Grease circles now reside on my high back chairs where their sweet black heads rested while playing wii. This list could go on and on, but I'll spare you the details. Almost all of this destruction is purely innocent -- it happens out of curiosity and honest ignorance. But it happens. A lot.

Everytime one of my boys displays one of these acts of "sinful and careless stewardship," I am tempted to display one of my own acts of sinful and careless anger. I am often tempted to scream "WHY would you do such a thing? How could you possibly think this was ok??"

And the Lord speaks to my heart and reminds me that I know perfectly well why they would do these things... They are broken and hurt and they've never had stuff before so they don't know how to take care of it. And frankly, it's just stuff.

For so many reasons, I am thankful to live a life that daily lends itself to these struggles. Each day I must intentionally choose... what's really important to me?

"For where your treasure lies, there your heart will be also." -- Matt 6:21, NIV

lost ball in high weeds


For weeks now, one of our students has been walking around like a lost ball in high weeds. He is so sad about the circumstances that have come to pass in the 360 house. He is learning life is about choices, good and bad ones. He is learning life has boundaries and rules. Rules are in place for a reason and cannot be broken without consequences. One student is no longer part of the program, one is without a roommate, one-half of a closet is empty, mom and dad have the household chores of the missing link, now three do the job of four, rotation comes every three weeks instead of once a month, one is very lonely, and all of this due to ONE, yes one, wrong choice. How could ONE person, make ONE choice that could effect so many people?

SIN is not a friend; it is not merely a bump in the road of spirituality! 

Sin will take you further than you ever wanted to go.., 

Sin will keep you longer than you ever wanted to stay..., 

and Sin will cost you more than you can ever pay.., 

It can cost you, even your eternal soul!

Thank you Father, that you teach us lessons everyday. Help us all to walk in righteousness and turn from our flesh and this world. Thank you for Your creation in JJBG. Thank you Jesus for Your love and Your truth. We long to by like You and Gloify Your Name.

New relationships

Kristy and I have reflected on our time at your home Friday night and the one thing that made that night so special for both of us was watching Jerime curl up next to you on the couch. This was a picture that I would have not expected to see in only a few short weeks but because of Christ love in you Jerime has become very comfortable and feels loved in his new home. Thank you for showing us how to love the world.
Chad G - Threesixty

God is Faithful

Rick and Lisa:

On my way out of town today I went by the post office and began to weap as I opened an envelope from the two of you. I don't know if you understand the meaning of the gift that you provided however it encouraged my faith tremendously. God has been very faithful to provide for this ministry. But during the past several weeks the donations have been very few and the expenses have been great. As long as donations were coming in I didn't doubt the provision of God that He is and will provide for the needs of this ministry however over the last few days as I looked at the flow of donations I have began to sinfully wonder in my mind how He was going to provide and even began to look at the budget and say are there any areas that we can save in, as if to say that my God is not capable of meeting our needs. However, when I arrived at the post office God slaps me upside the head with an absolutly unexpected envelope from you. I began to weap, not just because of the provision that He provided through you but primarily because of my sinfulness towards His faithfulness and because of your extreme sacrifice. The sacrifice that the two of you have made in investing in these four young men will change generations and the sacrificial giving that I opened today caused me to call out in repentance to my Father. I see your faithfulness to His word and I pray that my life will one day portray the same.

God help me to never take my eyes of off you and fall into the sinful trap of self reliance again.

I love you guys
Chad G

two weeks IN

Rick's view to the Threesixty Board of Directors after two weeks in the 360 house.

The dream that started 20 months ago is now a reality. The process of taking young men and transforming their lives into disciples has begun. Matt 28:19-20 is being lived out and I will testify to you this morning - He is with US! Matt 20:26-28 is being lived out as we are modeling servant hood to each other. Colossians 3:11-17 is evident in the fact God has chosen 2 Sudanese, 2 African Americans, a wonderful women and one redneck and brought them together to clothe themselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. To bear with each other and forgive grievances against one another. To put on love and let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts. To be thankful and let the word of Christ dwell in us, teaching and admonishing one another with wisdom and sing with gratitude in our hearts to God. Doing everything in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are living Psalms 78 by showing the praises of the Lord to all generations so they might set their hope in God and not forget the works He has done, but keep His commandments.

I want to share with you this morning some of the ways these foundational words of God are being fulfilled. We have set some of our teachers and mentors in place. Derrick coming on Wednesday afternoon to teach theology. Bill Nelson is coming spending time with the guys working on their speech & pronunciation. September the guys will begin classes on How to Study the Bible with Bart Box. The highlights of their first two weeks was the team building exercises they participated in with Chad. They commented on how they had to depend on one another and how they had to trust each other. I can tell you as a spectator, these 4 guys grew closer that afternoon. Since then you can see a bond among them that was not there before. Weekly assignments and responsibilities have gone good, but we do have some challenges. We have the normal situations of trying to beat the system. This is to be expected, but we have confidence as time goes on good habits will be developed. (After 28 years of marriage, my wife will tell you I still do not get my weekly assignments right). Each week we have one cook, one dishwasher and one trash man. One is placed in the bullpen but he is asked to blog the events of the week on the 360 Website. We had our first big house cleaning yesterday. I believe the guys went to bed early last night. The priceless moment of the day was the finding of a sandwich wrapped in a napkin under the sofa cushion. As Bullen would say, "What in the world is going on!".

Coming Sunday by Chad

Good Morning:

I pray this morning that God may open a door for the Word, and that Janet, Laura and the rest of the group in South Africa may proclaim the mystery of Christ for which they are in chains. (Col 4:3).

This week began by being able to witness the ministry of the Spirit of God in the lives of Andrew and Bullen as they testified of the goodness of God and led Bethel Baptist Church in worship on Sunday. On Monday I carried all four guys to new student orientation and began the process of registering for classes. As I sit back and observe where God has brought us from and the work that he has already accomplished I rejoice recognizing that it is not by coincidence or happenstance that the events have happened as they have but rather it is by the sovereign hand of God. From our time in Honduras, to Avondale, to Mexico, to studying the Word and fellowshipping at Fox and Marcia's home, God has used each one of you to form this ministry and for that I thank Him.

The rooms are ready, the guys have attended orientation this week and began registering for classes, Andrew and Bullen will take their final exam for English 101 tonight and based on the manner in which God has used each one of you to shape this ministry I believe it is only fitting that our small group will be there Sunday night to welcome the members of ThreeSixty. We will meet at 6:00 pm at 144 Thornberry Drive. When you turn off of Valleydale onto Thornberry there are a couple of office buildings immediately on your left. Please park in this parking lot so we minimize our disruption on the neighborhood.

I look forward to seeing everyone Sunday.

Chad G - Threesixty

Rick and I are so excited as weeks of preparation and anticipation are coming to a true life picture on Sunday. God has orchestrated His plan and we will start a new chapter in our journey as we follow Christ. Thanks you Father that you have chosen us to be part of Your plan to share Christ with the Nations! Lisa

Camp Fire Meeting

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This camping experience was set up by ThreeSixty as a way for the new students to meet one another before the start of their new college adventure. At a state park in Alabama a site was selected and a tent was erected. This overnight camping excursion was short-lived. It was inclement weather from the start, but a big fire was started and hot dogs and burgers were grilled. Just as we were beginning to eat. Lighting bolts, thunder, and strong winds begin to whip through the trees. I [lisa] headed for the car as fast as possible. I arrived home almost an hour later only to find out that we were in the middle of straight line winds and strong storms. About 1/2 of an hour later - my husband showed up. The camp out was over when a tree fell beside the camp site. Our Sudanese students were not alarmed at all “Andrew stated - Oh more firewood!”



Rick and I are so humbled to have been selected by the board of ThreeSixty Ministries to become the houseparent's for the inaugural class. The house that God provided for us in 2004 will become the home of four young men entering college at Jefferson State in August of 2009. Thank you Father for allowing us to be part of Your plan as we share Christ with the Nations.