feeling rich
views news
Twenty Eight THOUSAND Four Hundred Eight!
Is this number large or small?
That depends on what you are comparing.
This is the number of page views on Scatter Christ since 2008.
Based on this information this number is very small in the world,
but very large considering Scatter Christ has never advertised or officially published this blog.
Because cluster maps has changed their format - the number is back to zero.
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Official 501c3
Many "Scattering Stories" have been shared since 2005. To become a non-profit corporation requires mounds of paperwork madness and many hours. God has continued to work and place people in our paths to love, share and show the love of Christ. Want you join us on His Journey?
We are on earth as sowers to scatter The Seed;
as ploughmen to break up the fallow ground;
as messengers sharing salvation.
We are here as the “salt of the earth,
to be a blessing to the world.
We are here to worship and glorify
Christ in our daily life.
We are here as workers for Him, and
as “workers together with Him.”
Let us see that our life answers its end.
Let us live obedient, dedicated, useful, holy lives,
to praise the glory of His Grace.
Don't Veer OFF Center
Kay Arthur's - Lord, I give you this day devotional
before you go
To prepare to go on a Mission trip you must prepare your hearts for His Ministry and unexpected challenges. You must be flexible, flexible, flexible. If you have never been on a short-term mission trip, please consider going - It will CHANGE your life forever!
Jack Hempeling wrote the following in his book, Before You Go:
”We must prepare our hearts. Our long term impact depends more deeply on our heart preparation than our technical preparation. We must prepare to stay focused, to be unified, to be positive, pure, humble and submissive and full of faith and praise. All of this combined with practical and technical preparation is what will allow us to make a greater impact and touch people's lives.
We are to throw out pride, rebellion against the team or leaders, division and strife among the members, complaining about circumstances, negative attitudes, course language, inappropriate relationships and impurity. We must be vigilant to keep them away from our hearts.
Expect the unexpected. God has set this trip in motion and He may choose to use you in many different ways. Maybe witnessing to someone in a crowded airport or in the seat next to you. He may intervene and create a greater plan for you in the field, one greater than you had planned. Be open to His plan and be flexible.
We are to not allow anyone, even ourselves, to limit us from fulfilling God's call for us. He has set us apart for His purposes and He creates a stir in our heart to respond to that calling. He put in our hearts the desire to go to the mission field so we need to resist the temptation to focus on our personal limitations.”
See their face
Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names.
They are easier to ignore before you see their faces.
It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms.
But once you do, everything changes.
-David Platt