

Everyday we live and breathe on this earth we learn something. I learned today that Pinecone was very angry. I learned that my Sudanese children (Snowman and Manga) have lived their whole life with persecution - mostly for being a Christian in their country, but they take persecution only to God. They do not retaliate like most of us in America. They take their differences to the Lord in prayer, obeying whatever commands they are given by mortal man. They usually do not argue or tell their side of the story. Pinecone was evidently having a bad day. At the first phone call of "where are you"? until the arrival on the job, he spoke his opinion, thoughts, and commands to our Christian brothers in a harse and unloving way.

When I called this evening to check on my students - one was crying and crushed, one was dismayed and praying.

Here is the story as I understand - I do realize that I only have one side of this story and there are always two:
When snowman and manga arrived back at their dorm this past Sunday from Birmingham - there phone was not working. They called SS to report the problem. One of their friends in the dorm told them that he could fix the problem with the phone and made plans to come over in the evening. Snowman went to church with a friend, while Manga stayed home to study. The friend came to help work on the phone and they used the phone once it was operational. Class began the next morning at 8am - they left for breakfast at 7:30 - class ends at 9:15 - Snowman arrives back in dorm room around 9:25 - Andrew is still in class working with the teacher - Snowman does not know what time they are to leave for work, so he placed a call to Pinecone - no answer - Snowman is changing clothes - the phone rings - Pinecone wants to know where they are - He is waiting outside and has been for 20 minutes. Snowman rushes to the car - get in backseat - Where is Manga? - He is still in class - GO get him NOW (with finger pointed in face) - Snowman gets out of car and walks to classroom - Manga is still talking with teacher - Snowman urgently tells Manga come, come - Namlley is waiting. Manga rushes out the door - Both return to back seat of car - Namlley begins to tell them: they are irresponsible - they do not want to work for their education - he is paying alot of money for them - they are unappreciative - Stephen was the only one who deserves an education - they are NOT going to be blessed by the Lord - all they care about is their families back home - they do not work hard enough - they do not follow instructions - they do not finish a job started - they are not studying well - S4S is doing them a favor - they used his telephone in the apt - he will send them back to Sudan and they will never ever get another opportunity for a good education - this list goes on and on and on. He was angry because they hadn't checked their email at 7am for his message - he was angry because their phone was busy the night before (it was broken and being worked on).

As I am really crazy upset about this conversation - Snowman and Manga begin to fast and pray for God to show them what to do. They both very confidently tell me that God brought them here for school and he will provide it or maybe take them home to Sudan - but whatever God wants them to do is OK. I am amazed by their faith and they are great examples of how all of us should live each day for Christ!