ups angel

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There are so many stories to share but this story from a girl named Anna really touched me. Her dad drives a UPS truck.

"On the day of the tornado (4-27-11) he got a call to leave his route early and come back to Tuscaloosa because the weather was getting bad. As her dad got into Tuscaloosa he noticed how much the wind was picking up and things were flying around the interstate. He called Anna's step mom to figure out what was going with the weather. She calmly told him a tornado was heading straight for him. Anna's dad knew he didn't have time to get to a secure building. He parked his truck under an overpass and ran up the cement hill. At the top of the hill he found a homeless man. Her dad told the man that a huge tornado was heading straight for them. The only way they would survive was to "hug" a cement pillar of the overpass. The pillar was too big for one man to wrap his arms around it. Anna's dad said they would have to hold hands and not let go. The two men locked hands around that pillar. Wind and debris flew around them, putting gashes in his back and head from the flying metal and wood. As the tornado was passing over the men, Anna's dad looked down at the interstate below. He saw a woman running up the hill toward them. The wind was too powerful, so she ran back down and crawled under her car. The tornado picked up the car and slammed it back down on top of the woman. He saw another woman get sucked out the back window of her car. And worst of all was a person who lost his head. When the tornado was for sure past, he and the homeless man let their hands go. Her dad leaned from under the overpass and took a picture of the tornado in the distance (see above) with his cell phone. As he turned around to check on the homeless man, he was gone. Anna's dad looked all around his makeshift home and where they had been standing and couldn't find him. It was as if the homeless man vanished. Her dad wouldn't have survived if that homeless man wasn't under that overpass. It took two people to hold onto that pillar. He never spoke a word."

We can all draw our own conclusions / thoughts on the homeless man. The bottom line is God is in control of the weather, tornados, the number of hairs on our head and the number of days on this earth. So whether God used this homeless man or WAS this homeless man, we will not know this side of heaven. We do know Mr. UPS was spared for God's glory and I pray this has changed his life and drawn him closer to our Heavenly Father.