pillowcase dresses

Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for providing someone to sew these dresses for the orphans in Africa. I know that You have a special purpose and place for each one! Scattering Christ to the Nations.

Aug 24, 2010 A few women in my Small Group are interested in making the pillow case dresses, but we need to know the deadline for having them done and details on who we get them to. Carol Brown.

Sept 2, 2010 I've gotten some response, but plan to contact more in the next week. I believe there will be at least 4 or 5 ladies working on them. I believe we are just going to fund the pillowcases as well as make them. I will check, but I don't think we will need any materials. I'll get back with you.

Sept 3, 2010 Hi Lisa, We are going to get together on Friday Sep. 24th in the morning to sew. There are 9 women who are going to work on the dresses. We will also work independently. I have no idea how many we will be making, but we are going to start collecting pillowcases now. If you have extra pillowcases or ribbon that need to have someone working on them, let me know. Thanks, Carol Brown

Sept 4, 2010 Looks like I have 8 or 9 women now who will be starting on these dresses independently and then we are getting together to sew on Fri. Sep. 24th. I hope we get a lot done between now and the 24th, but who knows how fast it will go for them. I'll be in touch. Carol Brown

Sept 18, 2010 Lisa, Some of our ladies met Thursday night to get prepared for our big sewing day. Some have already started and we have 6 finished. We have about 25 pillowcases to do and twelve pieces of fabric. My goal is about 40 - 50 dresses by Oct 10th. Then we will keep sewing for the next group going in Nov.

I'm so thankful to the Lord to find something these women are excited about doing. I know young people don't understand, but some of these ladies are older, they have also lost their husbands and have health issues. They just can't go overseas for various reasons. They so desperately feel left behind when mission trips in foreign lands are talked about. Now, don't get me wrong, the women and men in the Branches class work locally in several different types of mission endeavors. Just wanted to say, the pillowcase dresses give them a way to extend their hearts to the church in poor countries.Another idea: My granddaughter had an idea about the little boys. She said, we could have t-shirts donated and just make colorful crop pants to go with them. If we had a few small groups bring solid t-shirts, maybe various color blues, then we could buy blue fabric prints for the crops and they would blend well together. Just a thought.Also, I purchased a pattern from eBay,( which has not come yet) of children's scrubs. The pattern says it's sizes 2-8.

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