reckless faith


Reckless Faith by Beth Guckenberger...... A must READ!

There are two kinds of learners

[1] Part to Whole [2]Whole to Part

Question: How many have no desire to volunteer for a committee or group project until you have established the purpose and final outcome?


Solve math problem meticulously leaving nothing undone & never reads the last page of a book first.

Wonder will I ever use this math in real life & will not read the book w/o strong recommendations and a sneak look at the last page.

Imagine a Whole-to-Part learner with these fact:

  • Having 'vision' means listening to the LORD and taking the next step in faith.

  • Vision is not knowing the end of the game ahead of time.

  • Having 'vision' means experiencing growth. In several years we will look back and think, "if I only knew then, what I know now".

  • Vision is listening to God and stepping out in faith on a path whose end I cannot see.

  • Vision is primarily seeing events and people from Christ's perspective. God sees people for who they are not what they are.

  • Vision is believing there is someone on the other side of the ceiling when we look up at night.

  • Vision is trusting that the call had a supernatural origin and not a logical explanation.

  • Vision is believing in the relationship we have with our Creator.

My life experiences are building within me principles that I need for God's next call.

Important Lesson:

I have learned ministry is not just your day job or mission trips. Sharing life with these guys has taught me that all my moments can be ministry; eating, cooking, washing, cleaning, and sharing every moment God provides us together.